Da Coop

Chicken Coop notes


  1. Manual controls
  2. Clock source?
  3. Auto door
    1. dc motor/gearbox
    2. Attiny

  1. Vents
    1. temp sensor
    2. servos
    3. heater
  2. non MCU
    1. Food
      1. flap
      2. dc motor
      3. auger
      4. bin
      5. trough
    2. water(not on MCU?)
      1. tank
      2. pump (dcmotor)
      3. collector
    3. Light
      1. timer
  3. Thermal mass is also water storage.
  4. Area for chicks In the upper half of run
    1. Light
    2. Shelter
    3. Water
    4. Food
    5. smaller grid wire


  • Shorten it up.
    • |**|
    • |    **|
  • Build food hopper
    • Old RC car for motorized dispenser
    • Scrap wood should work
  • Windows
    • Acrylic

  • Add Trim
  • Make vents
    • pc fan extractor
    • Servo flaps
  • water dispenser
    • 5gal pail
    • tubing
    • Rainwater collector/snow melter.
      • collector awnings?
      • gutters
      • plastic/canvas? over run
    • Water level Indicator
  • Awnings

LDR Code when sun is directly over head open coop door, when light is 0, close door.
use this to determine LDR values:
int analogPin = 3;     // potentiometer wiper (middle terminal) connected to analog pin 3

// outside leads to ground and +5V

int val = 0;           // variable to store the value read

void setup()
Serial.begin(9600);          //  setup serial
void loop()
 val =
analogRead(analogPin);    // read the input pin
Serial.println(val);             // debug value

General Idea:

int RaiseDoor(5); // A5
int LowerDoor(6); // A6

boolean doorup = false; //

int dusk = 500 // will adjust once I have some reference numbers
int LDRE = analogRead(1);
int LDRW = analogRead(0);

void setup()
pinMode(RaiseDoor, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LowerDoor, OUTPUT);

void Loop() //check door

if (LDRE == LDRW && doorup == false);
digitalWrite(RaiseDoor, HIGH);
doorup = true;
digitalWrite(RaiseDoor, LOW);
 else if (LDRW > dusk && doorup == true);
digitalWrite(lowerdoor, HIGH);
doorup = false;
digitalWrite(lowerdoor, LOW);


int LDRW = 0;                                //analog pin to which LDR is connected, here we set it to 0 so it means A0
int LDRE = 1;

int LDRValue = 0;               //that’s a variable to store LDR values
int light_sensitivity = 500;  //This is the approx value of light surrounding your LDR
void setup()
   Serial.begin(9600);            //start the serial monitor with 9600 buad
   pinMode(13, OUTPUT);     //we mostly use13 because there is already a built in yellow LED in arduino which shows output when 13 pin is enabled
void loop()
   LDRValue = analogRead(LDR);          //reads the ldr’s value through LDR which we have set to Analog input 0 “A0″
   Serial.println(LDRValue);                  //prints the LDR values to serial monitor
   delay(50);                                                //This is the speed by which LDR sends value to arduino
   if (LDRValue < light_sensitivity)
       digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(13, LOW);


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